Wonder What's Coming Next?

Trouble Times Ahead?
Introduction & Swagat
Signboards (Billboards) In Marathi Please!
Working Now
So I am finally working now, I'm working at HDFC Bank as a Personal Banker (trainee) and I am feeling good about that. So I was going to start my job from the 20th but it did not happen that way, so I had to start my job from the 22nd. Anyways did start to work anyhow and now I'm earning on my own. On the 20th, I along with a friend (who also got selected for the same) went to HDFC Bank Lower Parel to submit our documents and get our respective branches, but only half the job was done. We did submit our documents but did not get our branches on that day, the next day we got calls from the Banks HR department and we were called at different places, I was been called at Ville Parle. After reaching there I got to know that that won't be my branch, I was just called over there as they could give me my branch - Well got it, 'Virar East', it was a newly opened branch (started on the 14th of August, 2008).
My training (probation) period is for one year and maybe after that I'll be eligible to get a promotion or a raise - well, something like that.
Anyways having a good time, it's been more that a week now and I feel that I am learning a lot of things already.
So Life Goes On...
I also thought about writing about the so much (hyped) talked 'Nuclear Deal' but I just did not know how to put about that in words. Anyways, I hope that it really happens and the power problems (crises) in the country end for good. But also do hope that the government would make good use of the 'Nuclear Energy'.
So now, something about me, well, I did get a job, long back but my results weren't out yet. Well, they are now (passed my 6th semester), but still there are problems in it. (Not complaining) Well, I got a KT in the 5th Semester but after clearing the revaluation, I did pass, but in my final result shows it as 'Pass Class', which should actually be 'First Class' coz I got 60+ percentage. Anyways did a round of the university again and hope that everything turns out well.
Say I'll be joining my job from the 20th, one year of training, then lets see, where life takes me to, it's been a long and winding road and it keeps on winding every now and then. Hope you're havin' a very good time
'Till then, Live Life to the Fullest
Take Care!
Is This Some Kind Of A Joke?
So when the rain falls there is a problem and the power has to be cut, and this takes place every year, and there’s no solution for it. Sometimes one does feel that the electric board is playing games with the people. And if there is a real problem, then why does the board not take any necessary steps to solve this problem.
And they say that our country is progressing, how can it progress when little matters like these are not looked after properly? Well, here there are only a bunch of people who want to just give trouble to the residents.
My First Official Interview
Well, had a couple of interviews here and there, but none official as they were all for minute things. But today was the real test and for me I think I didn’t fair that well, coz I missed out on simple things. All I was asked to do was to operate MS Word and MS Excel, I did well, but certain simple things which should have been done right were done wrong - well yes I was a little nervous but at the end of it all I really feel I should have concentrated better.
Incomplete - Nobody's Perfect
I write my blog as and when any thing crosses my mind (I only need an active and a proper internet connection for that) I write it with a purpose, to ask a few questions sometimes. I only wish that my blog is easy to be understood and that there are no problems as such.
Melvin Almeida
Mumbai To Bombay
Everyone loved the previous name, but some minds wanted to change that. And if anyone uses the word 'Bombay' again, there's a fume and attack on those people/institutions. They want the city to (forcibly) accept the name 'Mumbai'. They say that the use of the word 'Bombany' was like a slap on the face of the 105 or so martyrs who had fought for the state of Maharashtra. Well, I say during their time the city was called as Bombay and they had no problems with it so why do some have a problem now?
First it was using the regional languages (that changed Bombay to Mumbai) then an ante North Indian moment – forcing is not accepted in a free Democratic country. This does affect the lives of other people who just wish to live in a free, safe, democratic Bombay, Mumbai or whatever you may call it...
A Moment In Life
It is well said that when you live for yourself, you live for nobody and when you live for others, you live for somebody. Your life is a gift as well as a curse that is put upon you. It is a gift as it is given to us to live it as we want upon the Earth; and it is a curse as we do not own it for it is given to us by somebody to take good care of it.
Our every moment in life is important as it counts. The life that we live today will change tomorrow and will keep changing everyday of our life. Reading the palms of your hands won't do, you have to work them in life. Life is uncertain, life is precious, life is a single moment of truth that can bring you into reality.
When Pressure Pulls You In
When you get what you want but not want you need,
You’re stuck in a reverse..."
Where is this life going? When will it end? Will we be able to see ourselves successful in the future? – Too many questions, no answers, the mind keeps playing games and the world around you just stares at you watching your every move, giving you very little choices and just once chance. What are you going to do, where will you run; there is no place to hide. We are just put under pressure to be someone we cannot be.
There have been people who’ve said to be yourself no matter what, but in this world, today, being oneself is far more difficult than being someone else. We’ve been constantly put to the test, everyday of our lives to be someone but not ourselves. We been sacrificing for people because they think they know it all, but what we know it far more enough for us. We been tried and tested, molded to make perfect – but the truth still remains, ‘Nobody is perfect.’
We are always trying to be what others want us to be, we been put under pressure day-in and day-out to be just like someone else. But we cannot be someone else or ourselves. In each moment there’s a point you are made to fall down, and made to think that you’re loosing and that there’s no way out. Lost in all the nothingness inside yourself, you just feel so numb; you are not able to move.
Life comes with a lot of difficulties, being someone is also one – you certainly need an identity of your own. But the pressure that has been put on you is too much, you can’t freely move, you can’t be what you want to be – this is what pulls you under...
I know about it because I am going on in life with the same pressure put upon me.
Who's Marathi?
Let us now forget and try to forgive everything, and learn to live in a world of peace and brotherhood - in the true Mumbai Spirit...