
In Any Other World

“Those who want to live will leave this Earth and those who know how to live will stay.”

We belong to a planet, and that planet is Earth, here we lived, grew and evolved, how can we ever think about leaving it and not saving it. Today, we know our world is slowly dying, but it can be saved, still there is life in it and we need to act quickly in order to restore it. We cannot just give up and try to find any other world. Even if there's a world like ours out there and one decides to invade it, will we be welcomed there? Will we be able to live amongst those not like us and even if we do, who's the superior one? Us or Them?
Today, like we are trying to search for life in the space, maybe there is some other who's trying to do the same, i.e. trying to find life in this vast space of ours in various Galaxies and Milky ways. Maybe they've seen us but not bothered to invade us. Beware! Someone's watching over you, maybe! We don't kow, maybe they've been here earlier, or maybe they've set off from their world to ours...
And what if the other planet is suitable for life but the life there is not as vibrant as Human life, then maybe we can live upon there and make it a world of our own. We'll have to be very careful there and not repeat the same mistakes that we made on Earth. Life will be the same but the moon the stars and our sun would not be the same. For us who stayed on the Earth for long would go down memory lain and recollect those sweet days on the planet that we helped to built then destroyed it with our own hands.
Maybe it's not too late, we still can save this planet. But only if we join our hands and be together we can bring that change. All we need is understanding amongst each other, we don't need wars, no fighting. And then we need to give up on certain things that affect our Earth. It is easy on as one can put it but it is practically very heart to follow. But can't we do some bit to save Our Planet, or maybe a little bit more for the planet that brings life to us now for so many years.