
26/11 Three Years On

On the 26th of November 2008, Mumbai, India and so did the world all over saw one of the worse terrorist attacks in the city (of Mumbai). Perhaps all of this could have been stopped, perhaps, lesser lives would have been affected, cannot really say but these terror attacks just refreshed some old wounds, and then again there was no really support from our government.  But tributes were paid to the 26/11 martyrs on the third anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks on Saturday.
Many different kinds of homage are being paid to all the lives lost on that day, but is really worth the sacrifices? Mr. Kasab, the only terrorist caught alive is still enjoying a five-star treatment under a high-security Arthur Road jail in Mumbai.  Whereas residents of continue to say that the city is still unsafe because of the poor level of security.
But in all of this the common man is suffering, but he is not giving up, he is trying to fight, may it be through violent or un-violent means.  Today the real Indian common man is becoming less tolerant and loosing his cool to this ever sleeping and bother-less, government of ours.